Recruitment Paths

Recruitment Paths

The Admission Board conducts the qualification process and calculates ranking points during recruitment for the 6-year Medicine Program at the Medical University of Warsaw. The legal basis is the Recruitment Resolution.
The Admission Board first reviews your documents and verifies that you are eligible to be considered for admission to a university program. Not every certificate of secondary education grants such rights.

The next step is calculating the points earned for grades in the required subjects, which constitute criterion 1. We only consider the grades obtained on documents certifying secondary education (final grades).

Criterion 2 depends on the recruitment path you intend to follow. The basic recruitment path is to sit a competency test. It is possible, however, to get an exemption from the competency test based on a Medical Standardised Test Score (UCAT, BMAT, MCAT, GAMSAT, HPAT) or University GPA (BSc or MSc holders).

The Online Recruitment System (ORS) is the only way to register and apply to the Medical University of Warsaw 6-year Medicine Program in English. We do not accept any other form of application.
You must select the correct type of application in the ORS. 

The type of ORS application depends on the recruitment path you intend to follow and the type of documents confirming the secondary education. See below for more information.

Medical Students - Medical University of Warsaw

Recruitment Path: Competency Test

It is the essential and most frequently chosen recruitment path. 
Application fee:
EUR 23 – if you will sit the Medical University of Warsaw (MUW) competency test.

Choosing the correct ORS application depends on the type of secondary education document.

The last day to register online is June 30, 2025. 

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Types of applications in the ORS:
1. Secondary school-leaving certificate / High school diploma - application for each candidate who will sit the competency test.
2. IB Diploma (International Baccalaureate issued in Geneva) - application for IB Diploma holders who will sit the competency test. 
3. EB Diploma (Issued in Brussels) - application for EB Diploma holders who will sit the competency test. 
4. New Polish maturity certificate holders (PL)  - application for New Polish maturity certificate holders who will sit the competency test. 

Do you need help?
Use the instructions about online registration. Download the appropriate pdf file.

Information for High School Graduates 2025

You can participate in recruitment before you graduate from high school. Request a certificate of predicted grades from the school.
Choosing the correct ORS application depends on the type of secondary education document you will get at the end of the school year.

Do you need help?
Use the instructions about online registration. Download the appropriate pdf file.

Medical Students - Medical University of Warsaw

Recruitment Path:
Medical Standardised Test Scores

Not every UCAT/BMAT/MCAT/GAMSAT/HPAT certificate holder is exempt from the competency test. It depends on the score. The Admission Board suggests taking the competency test if the score is insufficient. 
UCAT, BMAT, MCAT, GAMSAT, and HPAT certificates are recognized within 5 years from the issue date.

Application fee:
EUR 20
The last day to register online is June 30, 2025. 

Please email a set of scans to the English Division Admissions Office at before setting up an online application in the Online Registration System (ORS). 
Get confirmation that the Admission Board will accept your certificate score. 

Documents required before setting up an online application:
1. School-leaving certificate OR high school diploma with transcripts.
Documents must be in English or Polish or have a certified translation to English or Polish attached.
2. A scan of your UCAT/BMAT/MCAT/GAMSAT/HPAT certificate.

Do you need help?
Instruction for UCAT/BMAT/MCAT/GAMSAT/HPAT holders (available in March)

Medical Students - Medical University of Warsaw

Information for High School Graduates 2025

You can participate in recruitment before you graduate from high school and get an exemption from the competency test. Request a certificate of predicted grades from the school. 
You must also have a UCAT/BMAT/MCAT/GAMSAT/HPAT certificate. The Admission Board suggests taking the competency test if the score is insufficient. 

Documents Required before setting up an online application:
1. Predicted grades. 
Documents must be in English or Polish or have a certified translation to English or Polish attached.
2. A scan of your UCAT/BMAT/MCAT/GAMSAT/HPAT certificate.

Do you need help?
Instruction for UCAT/BMAT/MCAT/GAMSAT/HPAT holders (available in March).

Medical Students - Medical University of Warsaw

Recruitment Path:
University GPA

Not every person with a Bachelor's or Master's degree is exempt from the competency test. It depends on the GPA. If the GPA is insufficient, the Admission Board suggests taking the competency test.  

Diplomas in natural sciences BSc and MSc are recognized within 5 years from the issue date.

Application fee:
EUR 20
The last day to register online is June 30, 2025. 

Please email a set of scans to the English Division Admissions Office at before setting up an online application in the Online Registration System (ORS). 
Get confirmation that you may be assessed based on your GPA. 

Documents Required before setting up an online application:
1. The BSc or MSc diploma in life sciences with the official transcript
2. The grading scale used at your previous university if not included on the official transcript
3. School-leaving certificate OR high school diploma with transcripts (mandatory)

Do you need help?
Instruction for BSc/MSc holders (available in March)

Medical Students - Medical University of Warsaw

I got an exemption from the competency test
but must take an additional biology, chemistry or physics exam. Why?

Criterion 1 is calculated similarly for all candidates applying for the 6-year Medicine Program at the Medical University of Warsaw, including Medical Standardised Test Scores and Bachelor or Master degree holders.
We only consider the grades obtained on documents certifying secondary education (final grades), which constitute criterion 1.

If your high school diploma doesn't include mandatory subjects, you must take an extra exam in that subject as a separate exam.
We organise exams in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. You can take exams in only two missing subjects. The exam is passed if you score at least 30% of the possible points.

If you do not take the exam, then you cannot participate in recruitment for the 6-year Medicine Program at the Medical University of Warsaw.