Additional Exams

When do I need to take additional exams?

If a document certifying completion of secondary education does not meet the requirements of the Recruitment Resolution (criterion 1), you must take extra exam in missing subject.
We organise exams in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. You can take exams in only two missing subjects. The exam is passed if you score at least 30% of the possible points.
If you do not take the exam, then you cannot participate in recruitment for the 6-year Medicine Program at the Medical University of Warsaw.

The additional exam consists of 50 questions. If you take two exams, you will have 50 questions from each subject.
The exams are online. The exams are online. The rules, timing, and organisation of the additional exams are the same as those for the competency test.
If any person also passes a competency test, an exam in the missing subject is organised simultaneously.

Competency Test Sessions
Competency Test Organisation
Additional Exam Rules

Biology Syllabus
Chemistry Syllabus
Physics Syllabus

During the Biology exam you may use the Periodic Table and Physics exam selected formulas.

I got an exemption from the competency test but must take an additional biology, chemistry or physics exam. Why?

Criterion 1 is calculated similarly for all candidates applying for the 6-year Medicine Program at the Medical University of Warsaw, including Medical Standardised Test Scores and Bachelor or Master degree holders.
We only consider the grades obtained on documents certifying secondary education (final grades), which constitute criterion 1.