High level of teaching, excellent academic staff from the best specialists in medical science and basic research. Over two centuries of academic tradition of teaching medicine are only some of the advantages of our Faculty. We create a supportive community whose main mission is achieving best results from teaching: saving people’s lives and leading developing scientific research in order to advance the progress in the medical science area.
We teach students according to the world’s highest standards and EBM (evidence based medicine). We know how to combine traditional teaching with the latest modern didactic methods. In Poland, we have the most teaching hospitals, where students gain knowledge and skills under the supervision of outstanding doctors and experienced academic teachers. We also teach in other renowned Warsaw hospitals and research institutes.
We create great conditions for our students’ comprehensive development ie. scientific, cultural, artistic and sport areas. At the Faculty of Medicine, there are many academic societies where students can deepen their knowledge and take part in various scientific research programmes. A number of the societies and associations afford our student opportunities to develop according to their individual needs and preferences.
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine English Division
Assoc. Prof. Jacek Sieńko, MD, PhD
Tel (+48) 22 57 20 502
Office hours:
Tuesdays: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Fridays: 1:00 PM to 3.00 PM
Room 615, 6th floor (Rector's Building)

Teaching Medicine at a University level in Warsaw dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. In 1809 r. Royal Decree of Fryderyk August, issued in Dresden constituted the Faculty of Medicine and the General Medical Council, whose main purpose was to „improve and popularisation of the medical news in the Grand Duchy of Warsaw”.