Documents Required

To Open

Online Application

Documents required from each candidate when opening the ORS application

  1. Your passport scan. Polish citizens must use their identity cards.
  2. School-leaving certificate OR high school diploma with transcripts.
    Documents must be in English or Polish or have a certified translation to English or Polish attached.
    High-school graduates of 2025, please upload your predicted grades.
  3. Current photo.
    Selfies or pictures cut from scanned documents cannot be used. Read the requirements in the prepared instructions.

Do you need help?
Use the instructions about online registration. Download the appropriate pdf file.
- Instruction for school-leaving certificate OR high school diploma  holders (available in March)
- Instruction for IB/EB holders (available in March)
- Instruction for BSc/MSc holders (available in March)
- Instruction for Polish maturity certificate holders (available in March) 

Predicted grades

A predicted grades certificate is a document with the grades you will receive on your school-leaving certificate/high school diploma and applies only to high-school graduates of 2025.
The school's principal or another school representative must stamp and sign this document.

If your school does not issue predictive grades, request a certificate stating what subjects you studied in the last grade.

If you are in a school with an American curriculum, additionally ask for information on what grades you passed at the Advanced Placement (AP) level. Remember that there will also have to be such information next to the grade on the final transcript.

Document confirming the fluency in English

When is it necessary to attach documents confirming fluency in English?We require these documents only from qualified candidates. These are part of the Admission File.
However, if you already have such documents at registration, attach them to the ORS. It will smooth the recruitment process.

What documents confirm the level of English?
Please read our requirements.

Recruitment Path:

Not every UCAT/BMAT/MCAT/GAMSAT/HPAT certificate holder is exempt from the competency test. It depends on the score. If the score is insufficient, the Admission Board suggests taking the competency test. 

UCAT, BMAT, MCAT, GAMSAT, and HPAT certificates are recognized within 5 years from the issue date.

Please email a scan of a certificate with your score to the English Division Admissions Office at before setting up an online application in the Online Registration System (ORS). 
Get confirmation that the Admission Board will accept your certificate score. 
You must also attach your high school diploma with transcripts/school-leaving certificate OR predicted grades.

Documents required when opening the ORS application
(if you get confirmation from the Admission Board)

  1. Your passport scan. Polish citizens must use their identity cards.
  2. School-leaving certificate OR high school diploma with transcripts.
    Documents must be in English or Polish or have a certified translation to English or Polish attached.
    High-school graduates of 2025, please upload your predicted grades.
  3. Current photo.
    Selfies or pictures cut from scanned documents cannot be used. Read the requirements in the prepared instructions.
  4. A scan of your UCAT/BMAT/MCAT/GAMSAT/HPAT certificate

Do you need help?
- Instruction for UCAT/BMAT/MCAT/GAMSAT/HPAT holders (available in March)


Recruitment Path: 
University GPA
(If you hold a Bachelor of Science (BSc) or Master of Science (MSc)

Not every person with a Bachelor's or Master's degree is exempt from the competency test. It depends on the GPA. If the GPA is insufficient, the Admission Board suggests taking the competency test.  

Diplomas in natural sciences BSc and MSc are recognized within 5 years from the issue date.

Please email scans of educational documents to the English Division Admissions Office at before setting up an online application in the Online Registration System (ORS). 
Get confirmation that you may be assessed based on your GPA. Set of documents:
(1) the BSc or MSc diploma in life sciences with the official transcript
(2) the grading scale used at your previous university if not included on the official transcript
(3) school-leaving certificate OR high school diploma with transcripts (mandatory)

Documents required when opening the ORS application
(if you get confirmation from the Admission Board)

  1. Your passport scan. Polish citizens must use their identity cards.
  2. School-leaving certificate OR high school diploma with transcripts.
    Documents must be in English or Polish or have a certified translation to English or Polish attached.
    High-school graduates of 2025, please upload your predicted grades.
  3. Current photo.
    Selfies or pictures cut from scanned documents cannot be used. Read the requirements in the prepared instructions.
  4. Documents for qualification:
    - the BSc or MSc diploma in life sciences with the official transcript
    - the grading scale used at your previous university if not included on the official transcript

Do you need help?
- Instruction for UCAT/BMAT/MCAT/GAMSAT/HPAT holders (available in March)