Message from the Rector

Message from the Rector

Dear University Community,

In the last few days, an increased number of new COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths have been observed in Warsaw. There are also more cases of infections and illnesses among the hospital staff where classes for MUW students are held. This also applies to the teachers conducting didactic classes. Therefore, I would like to remind you to follow the recommended safety rules during classes. Personal protective equipment must be strictly used by the staff and the students.

The didactic organization in pandemic conditions is regulated by the law of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 29 September 2020 amending the regulation on studies (Journal of Laws of 2020 item 1679):

„§13a.1. In the period from the date of the declaration of an epidemic threat or state of epidemic until the end of the semester during which this period is cancelled, classes may be conducted using distance education methods and techniques, regardless of how it was provided for in the study program

Therefore, the Medical University of Warsaw will use to the maximum extent the forms of classes that are safe in the aspect of a pandemic. In wards affected by COVID-19, “bedside" classes will not be conducted – they should only take place online. In the event of an increased number of cases, University Authorities may limit or suspend contact classes.

As from October 17, 2020 Warsaw has entered the COVID-19 red epidemic zone, and the predicted illness risk is expected to continue to increase in the following days, I decided to suspend contact classes at the Medical University of Warsaw from October 19, 2020 until further notice.

I also remind you to follow the rules of procedure in case the symptoms of the disease appear or after the contact with people infected with the COVID-19.

In doubtful or unsettled situations, please contact the dean’s office.

Heads of units and persons responsible for didactics will propose the most convenient solutions for taking and making up classes.

Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong


ORDER NO. 220/2020 OF THE RECTOR, Oct.16, 2020

amending the ordinance No. 193/2020 of the Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw of September 24, 2020 on the organization of the course of studies, doctoral studies, doctoral school, postgraduate studies, courses and trainings, as well as the organization of credits and exams, in the winter semester of the academic year 2020 / 2021 in connection with the COVID-19 epidemic.
Based on Article. 23 sec. 1 and art. 67 sec. 4 of the Act of July 20, 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 85, as amended) and § 12 sec.7 of the Statute of the Medical University of Warsaw, the following is ordered:
§ 1
From October 19, 2020, until further notice, the Medical University of Warsaw (hereinafter: the “University") will change the organization of classes, credits and exams, which applies to studies, doctoral studies, doctoral school, postgraduate studies as well as courses and trainings conducted at the University, in the manner specified in paragraph 2 – 6 below.
Classes, including clinical and practical classes, will be conducted using the distance learning method and technology selected by the head of the department.
At the request of the head of the department, with the consent of the respective Dean, it is allowed to conduct exercises and practical classes in a stationary (contact) or hybrid form.
Lectures and seminars will be conducted according to the current rules, using the distance learning method and technique selected by the head of the unit.
Optional classes and language courses will be conducted using the distance learning method and technique selected by the head of the unit.
Sports classes will be held with the use of the distance learning method and technique selected by the head of the unit.
In the remaining scope, the provisions of Order No. 193/2020 of the Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw of September 24, 2020 shall apply.
§ 2
The ordinance comes into force on the day of its publication.