1. Do you offer a 4-year MD program, for those who hold a Bachelor degree?  Do you offer MBBS degree?

No, we do not offer neither MBBS degree, neither a 4-year graduate program.
English Division offers only a 6-year Medical Doctor degree.

If you are a Candidate to a Dentistry program, you can ask questions and report problems to the following email address: recruitment.dentistry@wum.edu.pl 

2. I hold a BSc or MSc diploma in Life Sciences. Can I accelerate the MD program, i.e., start from 2nd or latter year of studies?

No, it is not possible for BSc/MSc diploma holder. All new students are required to start from year 1 and pass all the required subjects.

Different rules apply to transfer students. Transfer will only be possible to the year 2nd and 3rd of studies. A student who wants to be transferred to MUW has to complete the academic year in the previous university, must obtain credits in all subjects, must pass all required exams, be enrolled in a 6-year medicine program in English at another Polish Medical University and have an active student status at home institution.

3. Is it mandatory to learn Polish during studies? 

Yes, there are classes teaching basic and medical Polish language skills in the curriculum.

4. Do I have to do an internship (clerkship) during studies? 

Yes, it is part of the study program. During their studies, students have summer clerkships lasting four weeks. It is an integral part of the 6-Year MD Program and a pre-requisite to obtaining a MD diploma from the Medical University of Warsaw. You can have your internship done outside Poland, i.e., in your home country.
Learn more here.

5. Do I have to do a postgraduate internship? 

The internship is not always required to be licensed to practice medicine in a particular country. There are countries where you can start working as a medical doctor after graduation. Check the internal regulations of the country concerned.
Graduates who studied medicine in the English language in Poland can apply for a place for the six-month internship (Polish: staż) organized by our University. Polish citizens completing English Division can also opt for a 12-month internship in Polish organized by Medical Chambers in Poland.

6. Where can I find a curriculum of the study program? 

Please click here to find the full program of studies. 

7. Is it possible to start my program in the second semester (Spring semester)? 

It is not possible. A student can only start studies from Winter semester. The academic year starts on 1st October.

8. Is it possible to transfer into MUW? 

Yes, for details regarding transfer process please click here.

9. In what countries will my MD diploma from WUM be recognized? 
The diploma is recognized in the European Union, United Kingdom, United States, Canada and most other countries around the world.


10. When will the admission result be available? 

Admission results will be available at around 14 working days after writing the competency test. Please note that it might take longer if the Admission Board is busy.

11. How can I apply?

The Online Recruitment System (ORS) is the only way to register and apply to the Medical University of Warsaw 6-year MD Program in English. We do not accept any other form of application.
You will need to fill in your ORS application with information and documents throughout the application process. So don’t miss a step and register before the deadline!
Note: The University is committed to personal data protection and will not disclose any information by phone or third parties. The University is not responsible for the incorrectly completed application.

12. Can I apply for more than one study program at the same time?

You can apply to only one English-taught study program. You can choose medicine or dentistry.
Polish speakers can independently apply to Polish-taught study programs. Polish-taught programs applicants go through a different admission process, through a different application system.
For more information on how to apply for studies in Polish please follow this link.
If you are a Candidate to a Dentistry program, you can ask questions and report problems to the following email address: recruitment.dentistry@wum.edu.pl 

13. I want to change a study program that I apply to. Is it possible?

It is possible only at the beginning of application process, BEFORE you go through next stages:
writing a competency test,
obtaining a “Preliminary Qualification” status in the ORS.

14. Is it possible to apply before I have graduated from high-school?

Yes, if you are still studying at the time of your application, you are requested to upload the provisional transcripts (predicted grades) from your current school to your application.
You will need to have completed your current studies successfully by the time you enroll at our university.

15. What are the entry requirements for your program?

Please follow this link to find out about our admission process.