OLD Admissions 2025/26 Criteria


Thank you very much for your interest in studying at our University.

To be eligible to apply for the 6-year Medicine Program, you must have one of the following:
1. A high school-leaving examination certificate,
2. Secondary education diploma with transcript,
3. An equivalent entitles you to be considered for admission to a university program in the country it was obtained.

The essential elements are the mandatory grades on the above document. These grades constitute criterion 1:
A) Biology – a passing grade, the subject level must be equivalent to the extended level of the written baccalaureate examination.
B) Chemistry – a passing grade, the subject level must be equivalent to the extended level of the written baccalaureate examination.
C) And choose one subject from:
– Physics and Astronomy
– Physics
– Mathematics

You should present a passing grade. Any subject level mentioned in the point "C" must be equivalent to the standard or extended level of the written baccalaureate examination.

The above requirements are for all Candidates applying to the Medical University of Warsaw 6-year Medical Program, including Polish or international candidates, IB/EB students, university students and Bachelor or Master degree holders.

If you don't have mandatory subjects on your high-school diploma, you can take an extra exam in such a subject as a separate exam.
We organize exams in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. 
If any person also passes a competency test, an exam in the missing subject is organized simultaneously.

The qualification score is based on the following two criteria:

Criterion 1. Your final grades in Biology, Chemistry and Physics or Mathematics on
your high school-leaving examination certificate OR school-leaving certificate

Criterion 2. It depends on the recruitment path you intend to follow. The points calculated are:
Your competency test score,
Your score from BMAT, MCAT, GAMSAT, UCAT certificate,
If you hold a completed BSc or MSc in Life Sciences that the Admission Board shall accept, you will get points based on your University GPA. 

Based on criteria 1 and 2, we calculate ranking points.

Qualification result (Ranking points)

20% of the sum of qualifying points for criterion 1)
80% of triple the number of qualifying points for criterion 2).

The Admission Board will offer places only to the top candidates from the ranking list.

How do we convert qualification points based on secondary school-leaving certificates, diplomas, and other documents obtained abroad?
Check Appendix 20 of the Recruitment Resolution.

Document confirming the fluency in English

Candidates qualified for admission to studies must submit a certificate from the examination verifying their knowledge of English at a level enabling them to pursue studies. 
The above requirement does not apply to candidates whose native language is English and to candidates who have taken the baccalaureate exam in English or graduated from high school with English as the language of instruction.

Document confirming fluency in English is required as part of the final Admission File:
– citizenship of a country in which English is the official language (scan of your passport)
– IB Diploma (International Baccalaureate issued by the international education foundation based in Geneva, Switzerland)
– EB Diploma (Issued in Brussels)
– completion of secondary or education with English as the language of instruction, e.g. General Certificate of Education - Advanced Level (at least 3 A Levels and among these does not have to be the English A level exam)
– diploma of completion of first- or second-cycle studies or long-cycle master's studies conducted abroad or in the Republic of Poland with English as the language of instruction.
– Language certificate proving the required level of English language

Language certificates recognized by the Medical University of Warsaw:
IELTS Academic – Overall Band Score at least 6.5 points
TOEFL iBT – at least 87 points
TOEFL PBT – at least 547 points (at least 210 points in the computer system)
TOEIC – at least 700 points
Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)
– Polish baccalaureate examination (egzamin maturalny) with the result of the written examination in English (advanced level) of at least 80%
– Candidates who completed their secondary education in Scandinavian countries:
Norway: grade in English in secondary school at least 4
Sweden: grade in English in secondary school at least VG or C
Denmark: grade in English in secondary school at least 7

Legal Basis: Recruitment Resolution