Faculty of Medicine
We are proud of having tradition of teaching medicine for over 200 years.
We are a highly ranked and acknowledged worldwide medical university.
We teach with passion according to the highest standards in the World using innovative didactic methods.
We do interdisciplinary and pioneering scientific research. We cure with empathy and engagement.

We are one of the biggest Faculties of Medicine in Poland
During the 6 year study program we educate over 4500 students of Medicine
each year over 700 students receive a medical diploma.
The Department of teaching Medicine in English language, the so-called „English Division” – (ED) was established by the Senate of WUM in 1993 as an answer to a growing demand from the international candidates for Medical studies in English.
Currently, there are about 700 students from 75 countries enrolled for studies in English at the faculty of Medicine at WUM and the number each year is growing. Every year, we have from 80 to 100 graduates.

We are performing University’s mission
"We are an academic community working with respect towards the freedom of thought & speech, equality of rights & tradition.
Our mission is to teach in the best way based on innovative medicine and conducting scientific research at the highest level”.
Employees of the Faculty of Medicine are outstanding scientists who search for new ways in medicine and health sciences.
We conduct over 130 didactic - research projects at our Faculty. Our main goal is to help and therefore, our research responds to social demands and challenges posed by civilization.
The employees of the Faculty are authors of hundreds of publications in renowned scientific journals. The results of their research are widely quoted and are often foundations of a further study.
We conduct a wide scientific international exchange with Universities worldwide. It comprises not only of mutual research projects but also of training trips and organizing important international conferences.

Our students
Prestigious scholarships and research fellowships, distinction at the international conferences, medals for medical competitions are only just a few prizes they get for their scientific activities.
Undertake various activities in order to improve their immediate vicinity, promote maintaining healthy lifestyle and wellbeing, actively engage in charity and volunteering events.
Among them there are musicians, sportspeople, actors – our students prove that you can pursue your passions whilst studying Medicine.