On October 7, 2023, we bore witness to a brutal attack by Hamas on the civilian population of Israel. In the days that followed, we have been learning about the escalating number of civilian casualties in Palestine during the conflict involving the state of Israel and Hamas. We understand that many of you are personally affected by these events. It deeply saddens us that, much like your colleagues in Ukraine and other regions affected by armed conflicts, you must endure such immense hardships. Please know that our thoughts and feelings are with you continuously.
While we wholeheartedly denounce crimes, violence, and hatred, we are cognizant of the fact that, coming from different countries and cultures, you may hold somewhat differing perspectives on current events. Residing in a free and democratic country, we respect this diversity of viewpoints. However, it is crucial to remember that freedom of expression also comes with its boundaries. Above all, it should not transgress the tenets of the law. The law strictly prohibits hate speech, including any form of derogatory behavior based on one’s race, ethnicity, or religion.
Furthermore, every human being, especially a medical student, should be guided by universally accepted ethical principles. One of these principles is respect for one another. As future doctors, you will frequently encounter individuals who are vulnerable, challenged, and in dire need of assistance, and your treatment of them will be a measure of your humanity. The individual’s views or origins should not matter. We firmly believe that such an attitude should guide your actions in your daily lives as well.
A few days ago, your older colleagues received their medical diplomas. Once more, we reminded them of the words of our university’s anthem, in which the ideals of faith, hope, and love resound so powerfully. These virtues are universal values from which we can draw strength in various situations. Let your faith be a belief in the possibility of a better world. Let hope be a belief that we can communicate and see each other as friends despite our differences. And let love be an expression of respect for all of us toward each other.
Therefore, we ask of you that you make mutual respect the cornerstone of your relationships, even in the face of often challenging circumstances stemming from global events. Try to refrain from making sweeping generalizations and assigning blame to each other for the tragedies that we all witness. Instead, endeavor to treat each other with sympathy you would have for a patient in need.
Your Deans
Rafał Krenke & Jacek Sieńko